Tuesday, February 15, 2011

2011 Canadian National Pistol Championships details

Details for the 2011 Canadian National Pistol Championships taking place in Calgary, Alberta can be found online here:


A few notes about the event:

  • The ISSF Dress Code rule is in effect for all ISSF matches. The complete rule book can be found here in English and in German
  • All 10m, 25m, and 50m events will be shot on Megalink electronic targets. The CDN 1800 (2700) and Reeves Memorial Revolver Match will be shot on paper targets
  • The tentative match schedule puts a big gap between events if you're only shooting 10m and 50m events. Currently the 50m event is scheduled for July 29-30, and 10m MEN isn't until several days later Aug 5 -- I might need to find more events to shoot! ;)

I'll definitely be there!


Edmond said...

Hey buey, you should shoot some more events! I'm sure John would like to form a Standard and CF team. ;) BTW, AP PET (pre-event training, ie. practice) is available on the 3rd and 4th.

alharding said...

Hey Edmond, we'll see about other events. I barely find time to train for 50m -- shooting sighters at Nationals doesn't quite qualify as training. ;)

Edmond said...

Hey buey, honestly I haven't practiced Standard or Center Fire pistol in over 3 years. I only shoot it for fun now. And hey, it would give you something to do for 2 of the 3 days off in Calgary. ;)

Security Guard Training said...

This should be an exciting event. I also love joining pistol competitions to improve my shooting skills aside from gaining more friends.

Anonymous said...

Alan, I hope the past year has been kind to you in your shooting endeavors. With a bit of luck I'll be able to schedule time to make the Gran Prix this February. Possibly might get Addison to come along as well. I have managed to add 50m, 25m standard and 25m rapid along with centerfire to my International shooting this year. It has been fun. Hope to see you again. Tom