Friday, August 10, 2007

Arrived at Nationals...

This will be a quick update. I've arrived in Prince Albert, Saskatchewan and I'm all registered and checked-in for Nationals.

Plane ride to Saskatoon
Plane ride to Saskatoon, Canada

There was one issue with my shooting glasses not meeting current rules so I needed to change one of the pieces. Not having shot at Nationals since the mid-90s I should have expected some rules would have changed. ;)

Lucky for me Scott from Illingworth Imports was there to help me out. Thanks Scott!

I had a chance to practice a bit in the indoor range and I'm looking forward to shooting tomorrow.

Al Harding checks out the indoor range
Taking aim during practice time

I shoot on the first relay tomorrow at noon. Dinner time. :)


Anonymous said...

Good luck dude!


Anonymous said...

Hey Dude!
Best of luck tomorrow.

navkat said...

Bam, bam, bam!