It was good to be in competition mode again... all the little things I'd run through in my head started coming back to me. It really is almost entirely mental.
The air pistol range at the
NSRG is indoors but has some vinyl walls which allow for a certain amount of sunlight and shadows to be cast inside. The changes and lighting as the sun moves behind clouds don't factor too much on the one side of the air range I shot at.

I was shooting in position #5 (That isn't me :))
552/600... I'm pretty happy with this score. 92%. For not having practiced more than 3 times in the last 4 years and shooting with a gun that had just been serviced last week and hasn't yet been tuned for me... it's a good score.
I need to get back into the 560s+ for
Nationals in August.
This Provincial event is a 5 gun match where shooters compete in Centre Fire, Standard Pistol, Rapid Fire, Free Pistol, and Air Pistol. The last 3 are Olympic events. I only came to shoot Air Pistol as you need special licenses etc to carry and compete with the other guns. I will need to get my permits etc so I can compete in other events... I'd like to compete in Free Pistol again.
There are a few shooters left to shoot their Air match today so I won't know how I did overall until tomorrow.
Heading back for the BBQ... tomorrow I think I'll go see what's happening in Victoria. There are
Titanic artifacts on display at the Museum which would be pretty cool to see.
Feel free to leave any comments on here! :)